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Mitzvas Day

Wednesday, December 25, 2024 24 Kislev 5785

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Your family is invited to spend the morning with your Beth Or family doing good work to benefit those in need. We will start off with a d’var from the clergy and then split into groups. Please RSVP in advance with the chair of the activity of your choice. 


Knit ‘n Knot Fleece Blankets for families living in transition and local hospitals. Chair: Faye Benshetler,

Candy Baskets for Local Police Stations (candies are pre-wrapped)  Prepare baskets to say thank you and deliver to the stations. Chairs: Susy Krimker, and Sherry Spector,

Visit St. Christopher’s Hospital Hematology Floor to spread cheer and deliver holiday lunch and cookies for patients, their families and the hospital staff. Pre-register by 12/17. Chair: Fred Dugan

Prepare meals for KLEINLIFE Seniors  Chair:  Toby Sterling <

Prepare Challah rolls to deliver with Meals that Matter Chair: Melanie Zhitnitsky

Make mosaic mezuzot and write well wish cards for Israeli families displaced from their homes due to the war. Chair: Bonnie Ritterman

End the day with a Dance Party!

DANCE PARTY for EVERYONE:  Let ‘s celebrate the day with a good dance workout.  Everyone can participate, all levels, ages and abilities. We even will dance from a chair.  No need to register. This is a fundraiser and money collected will be used to fund the Mezuzah. A $5 donation suggested. Lead Instructor:  Kelli Moshen Smilk

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Sat, December 21 2024 20 Kislev 5785