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Jews in Literature with Aaron Nielsenshultz 11.21.23

Jews in Literature: Short Stories
with Aaron Nielsenshultz

Tuesday, November 21, 8pm - 9pm

In a one-night class, we’ll read together a short story by a Jewish writer. We’ll look at what we can learn about Jewish life, the portrayal of Jews, and how fiction can help us understand our own lives. Come if you’re interested in Judaism, fiction, or even just having a fun conversation.

This class is held in-person only. 

RSVP below by 11/14. Questions? Contact Barbara Murtha
(Note: Lifelong Learning Classes are free for Beth Or members. A $50 donation is requested for non-members.)
This class is offered in-person only. No Zoom option.
Please fill in if applicable.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784