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Join A Committee

There are many opportunities to join a committee and engage your expertise or interest.

For additional information about these committees, contact the committee chair noted below or our Congregation President, Leslie Weiss

Executive Committee

President: Leslie Weiss


HR Steering, Chair: Stephanie Ice

Leadership Development, Chair: TBD

Legal Steering, Chair: Karen Dayno


Building & Grounds, Chair: Alan Kober

Art Gallery, Chair: Karen Liebman

Judaic Art/Interior Design, Chair:  TBD

CafĂ©, Liaison: Laurie Marx

Revenue Development

Development, Chairs: Jennie Nerenberg and Amy Abrams


Early Childhood PTO, Chairs: Sloane O'dea,  Rachel HellerReshma Stone & Rachael Berman

Religious School, Chairs: Joshua AkmanRachel Silverman and Rena Klein

Youth, Chairs:  Cari Cantor and Danielle Kline

YOBO, Liaisons: Allison Levin and Rachel Steinberg

Lifelong Learning, Chair: Don Berry


Rituals & Practice, Chairs: Jody Pascal and Bob Simon

Greeters & Presenters, Chair: Elisabeth Hess

Multi-Generational Music, Chairs: Ellen Werther and Kim Kaffey 


Membership, Chairs:  Jaclyn Ackerman and Paul Brooks

Caring Congregants, Chair: Ellen Werther

APEX, Chair: Patty Bassman

C4C: Clubs 4 Community, Chair: Lisa Rosan

Get Connected: Beth Or Business & Career Network, Chair: Jake Toyberman

Mental Health Commitee, Co-Chair: Judy Kurtis

Larger Community

Social Action, Chairs: Susy Krimker and Margie Chachkin

Social Justice, Chair: Shana Trichon

Israel/ARZA, Chairs: Liz Shamir,  Lynn Levy, Holly Wright

Federation & Kehillah, Liaison: Steve Stone

HFLS, Liaisons: Evan Segal and Steve Stone

Records and Communication

BOMCOM, Contact:  Judy Trias

Spotlight, Editor: Ellen Wether

Archives & Genizah. Chair: Beth Rabinowitz and Toby Sterling


Budget, Chair: Jeff Biberman

Investment, Chair: Jeff Biberman

Finance, Chair: Phil Goodman


Brotherhood, President:  Stu Briefer

Sisterhood, President: Kim Kaffey

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785