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L'dor Va'dor - From Generation to Generation

A two-year celebration shining a light on the community we've built together and renewing our strength for our next 70 years

CBO70 Marketplace

Limited edition CBO products available for sale while supplies last! Come to one of our CBO70 Marketplace & Tile Crafting Events, see contacts below or stop by the office.

Complete this form to purchase a tile or any of the Marketplace items listed below.

Family Tiles for Art Installation - Create a custom tile to represent your family on a permanent installation in the building. Cost: $72/tile. Submit your tile art by March 14. Contact: Rachael Rosenfeld 

Stained Glass Menorah - Congregant Jill Tarabar is creating a limited number of beautiful menorahs representing the Beth Or logo. Cost: $360 each. Questions? Contact Jillian Peskin

Custom Label Olive Oil - We have partnered with "My Tree in Israel" to offer olive oil pressed from adopted trees in Israel, supporting their local agriculture. Cost: $70/bottle; $130 for 2 bottles. To place order and arrange payment, contact: Brotherhood

Assorted Jewelry - Wear Beth Or wherever you go! Katherine Kornblau of KJK Jewelry designed a special line of jewelry exclusively for Beth Or! Jewelry will be on display during Marketplace days, at special events and by request. Cost: Varies Contact: Jillian Peskin

L'dor Va'dor - From Generation to Generation... this phrase is embedded into the culture of Congregation Beth Or; from our tagline, Lighting the Path for all Generations, to the beautiful tapestry that sits above the choir loft in the Gitlin Sanctuary, to the words we recite during worship services.

As Beth Or approaches its 70th year in 2025, there has never been more symbolism behind this phrase. We are in an exciting period of transition.

Last year, we focused on honoring traditions as we celebrated the legacy of Rabbi Gregory Marx with a variety of special events that touched the entire congregation during his final year leading up to his retirement and transition to Rabbi Emeritus. We welcomed Rabbi Melissa Carp Lefkowitz (Assistant Rabbi), installed Cantor Jaime Murley and introduced a new Executive Director, Phil Nordlinger.

In year two, our focus shifts to illuminating the future. We will celebrate the evolution of our community under the leadership of Rabbi Jason Bonder, as he embraces his Senior Rabbi role. A series of events throughout the year will culminate with a large community-wide block party to celebrate the milestone 70th anniversary of our vibrant congregation.

With our new leaders in place and with the thoughtful, strategic direction provided by our board, we continue to seamlessly move our congregation forward, meet the needs of our diverse membership and ensure our light shines bright long into the future, guided by the mission, vision and core values of Beth Or.

A special thank you to all of our generous L’dor Va’dor sponsors:

Ner Tamid Honorary Chairs: Leonard Abramson, Reid & Krista Beurger, The Gitlin Family

Lighthouse: Alison & Marc, z”l Feldman & Family

Beacon: Susan Golden-Jacobson & Michael Golden; Bruce & Judi Goodman; Sharon & Richard Kollender; Ruth & Steven Ryave

Spotlight: Andrea Becker-Arnold & Joseph Arnold; Amanda & Don Berry; Marlene & Bob Cohen; Ben Cowen & Mia Luehrmann ; Nancy & Cary Flitter; Lynne & Bill Garbose; Goldsteins’ Rosenberg’s Raphael Sacks; Pennye & Phil Goodman; The Pliner Family;  The Simon Family – Bob, David & Stephanie; Mike Snyder & The Carol Packer Memorial Fund; Rachel & E. Matthew Steinberg; Leslie & Evan Weiss

Torch: Bryna & Fred Berman & Family; Sharyn Berman & Chuck Meyers; Steve & Ilene Berman; Beth Or Brotherhood; Sara, Jeffrey, Hannah & Noah Erlbaum; Alice Milrod & Anthony Krol, z”l; The Rosan Family; Frank & Ellen Svitek 

Lantern: Amy & Michell Abrams; Susan & Jeff Asch; Faye & Eric Benshetler; Beth Or Sisterhood;  April Brasher & Doug Burtnick; Marci & Ian; Barbara & Howard Davis; Mitch & Suzanne Diamond & Family; Bruce Dorsey & Jennie Nerenberg; Dr. & Mrs. Tod Drucker & Family; Marlene & Gary Dukart;  Sherrie & Cliff Ehrlich; Susan & Jay Freedman; JoAnn & Peter Friedman; Cindy & Sandy Goldstein;  Ken Harris & Mona Zeehandelaar; Jason & Jaime Hersh & Family; Elisabeth & Jason Hess; Sally & Mark Hurwitz; Wendy Axelrod & Andrew Johanson; Bill & Marcy Kaiser; Adam & Lisa Kessler & Family; The Landau Family; Brian & Jen Levine; Claudia Leslie & Louise Lipschutz; Rabbi Gregory & Laurie Marx; Marsha & Steve Milakofskay; Mark, Sue, Perri, Seth, Justin & Jessica Rabinowitz; Lynn & Mark Samson & Family; Lori & Al Shemtob & Family; Ann & Gary Udis & Family

Click the button below to learn more about L'dor Va'dor Year 2 sponsorships:

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

Please contact the following people with any questions regarding L'dor Va'dor:

L'dor Va'dor:  Leslie Weiss, Congregation President

Events: Jillian Peskin, Director of Member Engagement 

Sponsorship: Jennie Nerenberg, Development Co-chair

Stay in the know! Keep checking this page, your Spotlight e-magazine and your weekly email as new information, event details and RSVP links are added.

Spring 2025 

Beit Sefer Cafe

March 25, 2025 - Details & RSVP by 3/19

Family Shabbat honoring our Grandparents

May 2, 2024 - Details to come

CBO70 Community-wide Block Party!

May 4, 2025 - Details, Sponsorships & RSVP by 4/18

CBO70 Golf Outing & Game Day Fundraiser

May 5, 2025 - Details, Sponsorships & Individual Tickets RSVP by 4/15

Looking Ahead: Late Spring 2025

Chai Shabbat Dinner & Chai Shabbat celebrating 7 Decades of Beth Or and the retirement of Barbara Murtha | May 16, 2025

 Volunteer & Installation Shabbat | June 13, 2025

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785