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Health & Healing


Red Cross Blood Drives are sponsored by Brotherhood and take place at Beth Or seasonally. All qualifying congregants 16+ are invited to participate and help save a life! Contact Stu Briefer for information and to register to participate in the next blood drive.

Knitting Circle is a great opportunity to get together and perform a knitzvah! Our knitters typically meet twice a month to create afghans and hats for children and adults who are healing or being treated in one of 23 participating hospitals. Yarn and needles are provided. No experience necessary. Contact Faye Benshetler for information.

Mental Health Our Mental Health Committee is comprised of licensed clinical practitioners and experienced professionals who volunteer their time to create programming, support groups and a variety of resources and events to promote mental health awareness. Contact co-chair, Judy Kurtis for information.

Health Screenings and Awareness Programs take place throughout the year and are open to Beth Or members and the entire community. Refer to the website calendar for upcoming programs or contact Jillian Peskin.

Closed Pod Designation - Beth Or serves as a closed pod for Montgomery County. During a local emergency response to a pandemic/chemical/biological or major natural disaster, our members and their families are able to come to Beth Or to receive the required medication/treatment. Contact Phil Nordlinger with any questions. Read more about how you can volunteer to help man the POD when activated.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785